Petrona English School
Petrona English School
セカンドライフ最大の無料英会話コミュニティ、サイプリス・チャットの創設者であり、日本の有名大学で長年教鞭をとるベテラン英語教師、Professor Merryman こと Mike McKay創立のペトローナ英会話学校はバーチャルワールドであるセカンドライフを使ったより新しい形の英語・英会話スクールです。
=Petrona English =
Who made it?
Petrona English was founded by Mike McKay, known in Second Life as Professor Merryman. He is an adjunct English professor at three universities in the Kobe area of Japan. He is the founder and original designer of Cypris Chat (2008), the largest and most active free English learning and practice community in the virtual world!


= 校長:講師 =
Professor Merryman

= 事務局/アドバイザー=
Mystie Slade

レッスンに関するお問い合わせ、お申し込みなどはアドバイザーのMystie Sladeまでご連絡ください。

現在の読者数 1人


Making friends with foreigners

Making friends with foreignersDo you want to meet people from other countries? Do you want to have friends from around the world? It's easy...if you know how.

Foreigners want friends too, but we don't try to find friends. Friends come from spending time with each other. So don't rush friendships.

What is your purpose for making friends? To help you speak English better? Just to have fun? Or do you need help with something?

It's easier to make friends when you and he or she want the same thing. Do you both like music? Maybe you both like reading or art. Join a group that has something you enjoy doing in Second Life.

And Finally, and this is REALLY important, don't add them as a friend until you make a plan to meet again. For example, "OK Kenji. I'll see ya later. Have a good one" means, maybe you will see him. Whereas, "OK Kenji. I gotta go. Will you be here tomorrow? I'll see you then" means, I like you and next time we can become friends.

Never say:
Will you be my friend? ("Can I add you a friend?" is OK)
I want to practice my English. (I hate that one. I feel like a robot.)
Can I see you again? (Might be ok...but not really with an English teacher)

When saying goodbye it's best to say:
It was nice meeting you.
I hope to see you again.
Have a good morning/day/evening/night.
See you again.
Take care.
Have a good one. (guys)

Don't be too aggressive. Take your time. Slowly and surely you will find good friends that will last a lifetime.

HEY! Wait...I have an idea. Come to Cypris Chat and meet friends. LOL!

SLurl: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Cypris%20Village/155/100/24

Website: http://cypris.ning.com
Making friends with foreigners

Posted by Petrona English School at 09:10│Comments(0)